Zoom Rooms Control System API Reference Version 1
CLI Terminal commands
Command | Functionality |
bye | Exit the session |
echo on/off | Turn terminal echo on/off. Upon entry, echo is on. |
format json/cli | Switch between CLI format replies and JSON format. |
CLI PTY interactivity
The CLI supports a non-standard SSH PTY that includes the keyboard interactivity that most people need, including:
– Arrow up/down to go backward / forward in the history.
– Arrow left/right to go left/right on a command line.
– Del to delete a charcter after the cursor.
– Backspace to delete a character before the cursor.
zCommand will either perform an action, or retrieve dynamic user-centric information. See details of each zCommand in the zCommand Detail section.
Command | Command hierarchy | Parameters | Example Parameters | Description |
zCommand | Dial Start | meetingNumber: <string> | meetingNumber: 5526136251 | Start a meeting that is schedule to happen now. |
zCommand | Dial StartPmi | Duration: <int> | Duration: 9 | Start a PMI meeting, using the PMI number for this room. The duration does not dictate when the meeting ends; the duration is used only to show the intended duration of the meeting in the calendar integration. The external Zoom Rooms Scheduling Display will show this duration. |
zCommand | Dial Join | meetingNumber: <string> | meetingNumber: 5526136251 | Join a meeting in progress. |
zCommand In_Meeting | Call Disconnect | End the current meeting. | ||
zCommand In_Meeting | Call Info | Get info about the current meeting in progress. | ||
zCommand In_Meeting | Call MuteAll | mute: <on/off> | Mute all participants in the current meeting. | |
zCommand In_Meeting | Call MuteParticipant | mute: <on/off> Id: <int> | mute: on Id: 16778240 | Mute the audio of a participant in the meeting. The bottom 10 bits of the Id are not significant. Do not use this command to muste the Zoom Room itself; instead, use zConfiguration Call Microphone. |
zCommand In_Meeting | Call ListParticipants | List all participants in the meeting. | ||
zCommand | Call Accept | callerJID: <string> | callerJID: thqrasdqs4wzdnch8kcbiw@xmpp.zoom.us | Accept an incoming call, using the JID that was included in the zEvent IncomingCallIndication notification. |
zCommand | Call Reject | callerJID: <string> | callerJID: thqrasdqs4wzdnch8kcbiw@xmpp.zoom.us | Reject incoming call, using the JID that was included in the zEvent IncomingCallIndication notification. |
zCommand | Invite | Duration: <int> user: <string> user: <string> … | Duration: 9 user: tswbcw7vsq-rik8ilciy1g@xmpp.zoom.us | Create a new PMI meeting, and invite these users (using the JID from the phonebook). The duration does not dictate when the meeting ends; the duration is used only to show the intended duration of the meeting in the calendar integration. The external Zoom Rooms Scheduling Display will show this duration. |
zCommand | Bookings List | Get the list of all meetings for this room, for today. | ||
zCommand | Phonebook List | Offset: <int> Limit: <int> | Offset: 400 Limit: 100 | Get phone book entries. |
zCommand | Run | File: <string> | File: tst2 | Run a script from ~/Library/Logs/zoom.us |
zCommand | Comment | Text: <string> | Text: Testing Call connect | Used in scripts only: Issue a comment |
zCommand | Wait | Sec: <int> | Sec: 5 | Used in scripts only: Wait a certain number of seconds |
zCommand In_Meeting | Call Leave | Leave the meeting, without ending the meeting for everyone: applies to either the host or non-hosts. | ||
zCommand | Call Invite | user: <string> user: <string> … | user: tswbcw7vsq-rik8ilciy1g@xmpp.zoom.us | Invite a contact to a meeting, while in the meeting. |
zCommand In_Meeting | Call MuteParticipantVideo | Mute: <bool> Id: <int32> | Mute: on Id: 16778240 | Mute the video of a meeting participant |
zCommand | Bookings Update | Download the current meeting list |
zConfiguration allows getting and setting read/write configuration settings: they can be changed only by the CLI, not by external events. When a value changes, the CLI will issue an asynchronous notification.
Command | Command hierarchy | Parameters | Example parameter | Description |
zConfiguration In_meeting | Call Sharing | optimize_video_sharing: <on/off> | Optimize screen sharing when playing videos. | |
zConfiguration In_meeting | Call Microphone | Mute: <on/off> | Mute/unmute the Zoom Room microphone. | |
zConfiguration In_meeting | Call Camera | Mute: <on/off> | Mute/unmute the Zoom Room camera. | |
zConfiguration | Audio Input | selectedId: <string> | Sennheiser SC70 USB CTRL | Get the ID of the currently selected audio input device. Or, switch to an audio input device by setting its ID here. Get the list of device IDs using zStatus Audio Input Line. |
zConfiguration | Audio Input | is_sap_disabled: <on/off> | Whether to disable software audio processing (AEC and AGC). | |
zConfiguration | Audio Input | volume: <int> | 60 | Set the volume for the currently selected microphone. Range is 0 to 100. Volume settings are stored per-device, and may change when the device changes, in which case a notification is issued. |
zConfiguration | Audio Output | selectedId: <string> | Built-in Output | Get the ID of the currently selected audio output device. Or, switch to an audio output device by setting its ID here. Get the list of device IDs using zStatus Audio Output Line. |
zConfiguration | Audio Output | volume: <int> | 60 | Set the volume for the currently selected audio output device. Range is 0 to 100. Volume settings are stored per-device, and may change when the device changes, in which case a notification is issued. |
zConfiguration | Video | hide_conf_self_video: <on/off> | Show or hide the small self view window while in a meeting. | |
zConfiguration | Video Camera | selectedId: <string> | 0x14200000046d082d | Get the ID of the currently selected camera. Or, switch to a camera by setting its ID here.Get the list of device IDs using zStatus Camera Line. |
zConfiguration | Video Camera | Mirror: <on/off> | Mirror the ZR self view video window. This setting does not affect what other people see. | |
zConfiguration | Client | appVersion: <string> | V-103.45.j5 | Set the appVersion value. This string will appear on the Web Portal under the ZR Devices list for this Zoom Room. It can be used to report the version of software running in an automation controller. |
zConfiguration | Client | deviceSystem: <string> | Automation-Box-1 | Set the deviceSystem value. This string will appear on the Web Portal under the ZR Devices list for this Zoom Room. It can be used to report the type of automation controller connected to the ZR. |
zStatus allows getting read-only status settings. These values can change based on external events. When a value changes, the CLI will issue an asynchronous notification. Hierarchy levels in GREEN are the terminal levels: you specify the zStatus command to this level, and the CLI returns all values at that level and below.
Items in RED do not apply to the Version 1 API
Command | Command hierarchy | Parameters | Example Parameter | Description |
zStatus | Audio Input Line n | Id: <string> | Sennheiser SC70 USB CTRL | ID of an audio input. You can switch to this device by issuing zConfiguration Audio Input selectedId: <Id> |
zStatus | Audio Input Line n | Name: <string> | Sennheiser SC70 USB CTRL | Name of an audio input |
zStatus | Audio Input Line n | Alias: <string> | Alias of an audio input | |
zStatus | Audio Output Line n | Id: <string> | Built-in Output | ID of an audio output. You can switch to this device by issuing zConfiguration Audio Output selectedId: <Id> |
zStatus | Audio Output Line n | Name: <string> | Built-in Output (Internal Speakers) | Name of an audio output |
zStatus | Audio Output Line n | Alias: <string> | Alias of an audio output | |
zStatus | Video Camera Line n | Id: <string> | 0x14200000046d082d | ID of a camera. You can switch to this device by issuing zConfiguration Video Camera selectedId: <Id> |
zStatus | Video Camera Line n | Name: <string> | HD Pro Webcam C920 | Name of a camera |
zStatus | Video Camera Line n | Alias: <string> | usb:046D:082D | Alias of a camera |
zStatus | Video | Optimizable: <on/off> | Whether screen sharing is optimizable for video playback | |
zStatus | SystemUnit room_info | room_name: <string> | ZR-BobSmith | Room name |
zStatus | SystemUnit room_info | is_auto_answer_enabled: <on/off> | Whether auto answer is available on this Zoom Room | |
zStatus | SystemUnit room_info | is_auto_answer_selected: <on/off> | Whether auto answer is turned on for this Zoom Room | |
zStatus | SystemUnit room_info | account_email: <string> | bob.smith@motivate.com | The email of the Zoom user who is administrating this Zoom Room. This is the email that is used to log into the Zoom Room. |
zStatus | SystemUnit | meeting_number: <string> | 5526136251 | The Zoom Room PMI meeting number. It is an int, but this value is a string because in the future it may be a vanity number. |
zStatus | SystemUnit | platform: <string> | Mac OS X, 10.11.6 | Zoom Room platform type |
zStatus | SystemUnit | email: <string> | bob.smith_U-ygqt3HStSmbY1JfYW-OA@motivate.com | The auto-generated email assigned to this Zoom Room: It defines a virtual “Zoom user” for this Zoom Room. This virtual user is listed in the account user list on the Web Portal. |
zStatus | SystemUnit | room_version: <string> | 4.0.54542.1120 | Zoom Room release version |
zStatus | SystemUnit | login_type: <google, work_email> | work_email | Users log into the Zoom room using either a Google email or a work email. |
zStatus | Capabilities | is_Airhost_Disabled: <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | can_Dtmf_For_Invite_By_Phone <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | pstn_Call_In_Local_Presentation <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | can_Ringing_In_Pstn_Call <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | aec_Setting_Stored_In_ZR <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | supports_Web_Settings_Push <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | supports_Sip_Call_out <on/off> | The ZR allows SIP callout. The Zoom Room must be configured to have the SIP Phone Integration add-on license. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | support_Pin_And_Spotlight <on/off> | Whether the zoom Room can Pin other participants. When a user is pinned, that user will always appear full-screen on the Zoom Room (does not affect remote endpoints), and always show up in one of the connected monitors, even if speaker selection mode is turned on. For spotlight: applies to meetings with 3 or more participants only. The host, and all remote participants, will see that person full screen: speaker selection mode, and pin mode, is overridden on all endpoints. The spotlighted person is effectively pinned on all endpoints. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | can_Mute_On_Entry <on/off> | Whether this ZR is capable of muting all participants when they enter the meeting. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | support_Claim_Host <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room can be instructed to take over the host privilege for a meeting. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | can_Switch_To_Specific_Camera <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | supports_Highly_Reverberant_Room <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room can be configured to compensate for high reverb within a conference room. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | support_Out_Room_Display <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room can host a scheduling display, typically mounted outside the conference room. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | supports_Software_Audio_Processing: <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room supports SAP. | |
zStatus | Capabilities | supports_Share_For_Floating_And_Content_only: <on/off> | ||
zStatus | Capabilities | supports_Hdmi_Cec_Control: <on/off> | Whether the ZR can send a CeC command via HDMI to wake up a video monitor. |
zEvents are asynchronous notifications. Some zEvents have the same data structure format as the reply structures of zCommand, zStatus, and zConfiguration commands.
Items in RED do not apply to the Version 1 API
Command | Command hierarchy | Parameters | Example parameter | Description |
zEvent | ZAAPIconnectFail | Internal failure | ||
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | callerJID: <string> | thqrasdqs4wzdnch8kcbiw@xmpp.zoom.us | Join ID of the caller. Use this value to Accept the caller using zCommand Call Accept, if the Zoom Room is set to not automatically accept incoming calls. |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | calleeJID: <string> | <typically empty> | Join ID of the host of the meeting being called |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | meetingID: <string> | g | An internal meeting Id used for setting up recording. |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | password: <string> | The password entered by the participant who intends to join. | |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | meetingOption: <int> | 6 | |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | meetingNumber: <int> | 5351459175 | Meeting number for this meeting |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | callerName: <string> | Bob Smith | |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | avatarURL: <string> | https://zoom.us/p/ThqraSdQS4WzDNCH8kCBiw/bc48fef7-66a7-49c3-a388-0799f886b6e4-2983 | Avatar image of the person joining |
zEvent | IncomingCallIndication | lifeTime: <int> | 60 | |
zEvent | CallDisconnect | success: <on/off> | on | Room exited meeting |
zEvent | CallConnectError | error_code: <int> | <usually 0> | |
zEvent | CallConnectError | error_message: <string> |
This meeting has been ended by host. OR: This meeting ID is not valid. Please check and try again. OR: We encountered an error. Error code: 5004 |
zEvent | Bookings Updated | There has been a change to the list of scheduled meetings. Download the list to see the difference. | ||
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | jid: <string> | u-ygqt3hstsmby1jfyw-oa@xmpp.zoom.us | The join ID: Use this ID when inviting the user, or when accepting / rejecting a user who is joining the conversation |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | screenName: <string> | BobSmith | Screen name of the user |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | firstName: <string> | Bob | First name of the user |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | lastName: <string> | Smith | Last name of the user |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | phoneNumber: <string> | <typically empty> | Phone number of the user |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | email: <string> | Bob.Smith@motivate.com | User email |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | avatarURL: <string> | https://zoom.us/p/ThqraSdQS4WzDNCH8kCBiw/bc48fef7-66a7-49c3-a388-076df996b6e4-2983 | URL pointing to the image of the user |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | presence: <PRESENCE_OFFLINE, PRESENCE_AWAY, PRESENCE_BUSY, PRESENCE_ONLINE, PRESENCE_DND> | PRESENCE_ONLINE | State of the Phonebook contact. IM_PRESENCE_BUSY means “in a meeting”, and IM_PRESENCE_DND means “do not disturb” |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | onDesktop: <on/off> | Active on the desktop client | |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | onMobile: <on/off> | Active on the mobile client | |
zEvent | Phonebook Updated Contact | isZoomRoom: <on/off> | Whether or not this contact is a Zoom Room | |
zEvent | Call Info | real_meeting_id: <string> | zq7p1gw0RDi4Rr45sqB7Xg== | |
zEvent | Call Info | meeting_id: <string> | 5526136251 | Meeting ID of the call; users will enter this ID to call in. |
zEvent | Call Info | participant_id: <int> | 21 | If the participant wants to join the conference using a video connection from a desktop, and dial in via PSTN, then when dialing in, the user should enter this participant Id, so that the Zoom Room can corellate the video and audio. |
zEvent | Call Info | my_userid: <int> | 16778240 | A meeting participant ID: Use this ID to get/set in-meeting parameters for a participant. The bottom 10 bits are ignored. |
zEvent | Call Info | am_i_original_host: <on/off> | The Zoom Room is the original host if it started the meeting via its PMI. | |
zEvent | Call Info | is_webinar: <on/off> | Whether this call is a webinar | |
zEvent | Call Info | is_view_only: <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room is a view-only attendee in a webinar. | |
zEvent | Call Info | meeting_type: <NORMAL, SHARING_LAPTOP, PSTN_CALLOUT, NONE> | NORMAL | |
zEvent | Call Info | meeting_password: <string> | The meeting password | |
zEvent | Call Info | dialIn: <string> | +1 669 900 6833;+1 646 558 8656 | PSTN phone numbers to use to dial into the meeting. |
zEvent | Call Info | toll_free_number: <string> | The tool free PSTN number that participants use to join the conference | |
zEvent | Call Info | international_url: <string> | /zoomconference | The web page link on zoom.us that shows the list of all international dial-in numbers. |
zEvent | Call Info | is_toll_free_callin_list_available: <on/off> | DEPRECATED | |
zEvent | Call Info | is_callin_country_list_available: <on/off> | DEPRECATED | |
zEvent | Call Info | is_calling_room_system_enabled: <on/off> | ||
zEvent | Call Info | support_callout_type: <US_ONLY, INTERNATIONAL, NONE> | NONE | The callout types allowed for the Zoom Room. These permissions are configured on the web portal. None = no call out, US_ONLY = call to US only, INTERNATIONAL = allow international call out. To add international dial out, you need to go to My Profile -> Billing, on the Web portal, and add the Audio Conferencing Options add-on. |
zEvent | Call Info | user_type: <BASIC, PRO, CORP, NONE> | PRO | type of user. BASIC is a free user, PRO is a paid user with a license, and CORP is an on-premise user. |
zEvent | Call Info callout_country_list n | id: <string> | Configured on the Web portal, if you have added the Audio Conferencing Options add-on. | |
zEvent | Call Info callout_country_list n | name: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info callout_country_list n | code: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info callout_country_list n | number: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info callout_country_list n | display_number: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info callin_country_list n | id: <string> | AR | A list of phone numbers in foreign countries to use when dialing in. |
zEvent | Call Info callin_country_list n | name: <string> | Argentina | |
zEvent | Call Info callin_country_list n | code: <string> | 54 | |
zEvent | Call Info callin_country_list n | number: <string> | 54 3415122188 | |
zEvent | Call Info callin_country_list n | display_number: <string> | +54 341 512 2188 | |
zEvent | Call Info toll_free_callin_list n | id: <string> | Configured on the Web portal, if you have added the Audio Conferencing Options add-on. | |
zEvent | Call Info toll_free_callin_list n | name: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info toll_free_callin_list n | code: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info toll_free_callin_list n | number: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info toll_free_callin_list n | display_number: <string> | ||
zEvent | Call Info | invite_email_subject: <string> | Please join Zoom meeting in progress | The subject line for the invitation email that goes to invited participants |
zEvent | Call Info | invite_email_content: <string> | <lengthy email body with instructions on how to join> | The body of the email that goes to invited participants. |
zEvent | List Participant n | user_name: <string> | ZR-BobSmith | The username |
zEvent | List Participant n | user_id: <string> | 16778240 | The user ID, used only in the current meeting. The bottom 10 bits are ignored. |
zEvent | List Participant n | is_host: <on/off> | Whether this particpant started the meeting as a host. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | is_myself: <on/off> | Whether the participant is this Zoom Room. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | can_record: <on/off> | Whether this participant can start a recording. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | is_recording: <on/off> | Whether this participant has started a recording. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | avatar_url: <string> | https://zoom.us/p/U-ygqt3HStSmbY1JfYW-OA/15d64cfd-3b0d-46c0-93c1-08999d0c96b1-2618 | The avatar iamge URL for the participant |
zEvent | List Participant n | local_recording_disabled: <on/off> | If this participant is not allowed to record to a local file | |
zEvent | List Participant n | is_video_can_mute_byHost: <on/off> | Whether the host can video mute this participant. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | is_video_can_unmute_byHost: <on/off> | Whether the host can video unmute this participant after getting permission from the participant. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | isCohost: <on/off> | A cohost has all privileges of a host. Not supported on the ZR. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | user_type: <NORMAL, H323, CALL_IN> | NORMAL | Type of call |
zEvent | List Participant n audio status | type: <AUDIO_VOIP, AUDIO_TELE, AUDIO_NONE> | AUDIO_VOIP | Type of participant. AUDIO_VOIP: connected over internet. AUDIO_TELE: connected via PSTN. AUDIO_NONE: connected by only video. |
zEvent | List Participant n audio status | state: <AUDIO_MUTED, AUDIO_UNMUTED> | AUDIO_MUTED | Whether audio is muted or unmuted |
zEvent | List Participant n video status | has_source: <on/off> | Whether this participant has a camera connected. | |
zEvent | List Participant n video status | is_sending: <on/off> | Whether the participants is sending video others. Otherwise, this person’s camera is muted. | |
zEvent | List Participant n video status | is_receiving: <on/off> | DEPRECATED | |
zEvent | List Participant n camera status | can_i_request_control: <on/off> | Whether it is possible to request control of the camera for this participant | |
zEvent | List Participant n camera status | am_i_controlling: <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room is controlling the camera for this participant | |
zEvent | List Participant n camera status | can_switch_camera: <on/off> | Whether the Zoom Room can switch the camera source for this particpant | |
zEvent | List Participant n camera status | can_move_camera: <on/off> | Whether the zoom Room can move the camera for this participant. | |
zEvent | List Participant n camera status | can_zoom_camera: <on/off> | Whether the zoom Room can zoom the camera for this participant. | |
zEvent | List Participant n | event: <None, ZRCUserChangedEventJoinedMeeting, ZRCUserChangedEventLeftMeeting, ZRCUserChangedEventUserInfoUpdated, ZRCUserChangedEventHostChanged> | None | The event will be none, if there is no asynchronous change to the status of the participant. Update: ZRCUserChangedEventJoinedMeeting and ZRCUserChangedEventLeftMeeting notifications are not sent; instead, you will get a revised total participant list via the *r ListParticipantsResult asynchronous notification. |
zEvent | Bookings | meetingName: <string> | Bob’s sync-up meeting | Meeting title |
zEvent | Bookings | meetingNumber: <string> | 5218904305 | Meeting ID |
zEvent | Bookings | hostname: <string> | <typically empty> | RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE |
zEvent | Bookings | startTime: <8601> | 2017-11-21T20:00:00-08:00 | ISO-8601 date format for start time |
zEvent | Bookings | endTime: <8601> | 2017-11-21T21:00:00-08:00 | ISO-8601 date format for end time |
zEvent | Bookings | creatorEmail: <string> | room@kanovia.com | Email of person who scheduled the meeting on Google Calendar. Google Bug: If using Google Calendar integration for scheduling meetings: It can take up to 10 minutes for a change in the Google Calendar to get pushed to the Zoom Room. This delay is a limitation on the Google side. |
zEvent | Bookings | creatorName: <string> | <typically empty> | Creator name of the Google Calendar entry. |
zEvent | Bookings | isPrivate: <on/off> | Whether the meeting was created to be private | |
zEvent | Pipe OtherControllerLogin | When a Zoom Room Controller logs in, that new controller takes over control of the Zoom room. This zEvent is issued, and the ZR-CSAPI loses the pipe connection to the ZR. | ||
zEvent | Pipe Reconnecting | If the ZR-CSAPI loses the pipe connection to the ZR, then when any command is issued, the command will not be executed; instead, this zEvent will be issued, and the ZR-CSAPI will re-establish the pipe connection to the ZR. The desired command must be issued again. |
zCommand Detail
zCommand | Dial Start | meetingNumber: <string> |
Start or join a meeting that is scheduled to occur now. In order for the Zoom Room to be able to start the meeting before the original host joins, the meeting should be scheduled using the “Enable join before host” option. The meeting number will be an integer; however, in the future, the Zoom Room may support string-based vanity phone numbers, so this parameter is a string that contains an integer.
<string> meetingNumber: meeting number of a meeting that is scheduled to happen now. You can get a list of scheduled meetings for this Zoom Room using zCommand Bookings List.
zCommand Dial Start meetingNumber: 332768009
*r DialStartResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Dial StartPmi | Duration: <int> |
Start a PMI meeting, using the PMI number for this Zoom Room, with a desired duration in minutes. The PMI number is available from zStatus SystemUnit.
<int> Duration: The desired duration of the meeting.
zCommand Dial StartPmi duration: 9
*r DialStartPmiResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Dial Join | meetingNumber: <string> |
Join a meeting in progress.
<string> meetingNumber: The meeting number to join. This meeting number will be an integer, stored as a string. In the future, Zoom may support vanity phone numbers in the form of a string.
zCommand Dial Join meetingNumber: 221576998
*r DialJoinResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Call Disconnect |
Ends the current meeting. If the ZR is not connected to a meeting, this command results in an error message.
zCommand Call Disconnect
*r CallDisconnectResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Call Info |
Gets the info of the current meeting in progress. If the ZR is not connected to a meeting, this command results in an error message.
See zEvent Call Info for details on each reply line item.
zCommand Call Info
*r InfoResult (status=OK):
*r InfoResult Info real_meeting_id: EjtRgzpSQmi4y2yh5dOhSA==
*r InfoResult Info meeting_id: 194279256
*r InfoResult Info participant_id: 38
*r InfoResult Info my_userid: 16778240
*r InfoResult Info am_i_original_host: on
*r InfoResult Info is_webinar: off
*r InfoResult Info is_view_only: off
*r InfoResult Info meeting_type: NORMAL
*r InfoResult Info meeting_password:
*r InfoResult Info dialIn: +1 408 638 0968;+1 646 558 8656
*r InfoResult Info toll_free_number:
*r InfoResult Info international_url: /zoomconference
*r InfoResult Info is_toll_free_callin_list_available: on
*r InfoResult Info is_callin_country_list_available: on
*r InfoResult Info is_calling_room_system_enabled: on
*r InfoResult Info support_callout_type: NONE
*r InfoResult Info user_type: PRO
*r InfoResult Info callin_country_list 1 id: AR
*r InfoResult Info callin_country_list 1 name: Argentina
*r InfoResult Info callin_country_list 1 code: 54
*r InfoResult Info callin_country_list 1 number: 54 34151221887
*r InfoResult Info callin_country_list 1 display_number: +54 341 512 2188
*r InfoResult Info invite_email_subject: Please join Zoom meeting in progress
*r InfoResult Info invite_email_content: You are invited to a Zoom meeting now.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://dev.zoom.us/j/194279256
Or iPhone one-tap:
US: +16465588656,,194279256# or +14086380968,,194279256#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location)_
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 194 279 256
International numbers available: https://dev.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=-iWd7W9ZGJ82h2N4tvMdco91HnZ5jVUj
Or an H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)
Meeting ID: 194 279 256
SIP: 194279256@zoomcrc.com\
Or Skype for Business (Lync):
** end
zCommand | Call MuteAll | mute: <on/off> |
Mute all participants in a meeting
<on/off> Mute: Set to true to mute all users in a meeting; set to false to unmute all users. When unmuting all users, the remote users need to agree to the unmute operation. If the ZR is not connected to a meeting, this command results in an error message.
zCommand Call MuteAll mute: off
*r CallMuteAllResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Call MuteParticipant | mute: <on/off> Id: <int> |
Mute a specific participant in a meeting. If the ZR is not connected to a meeting, this command results in an error message.
<on/off> Mute: set to true to mute the participant, and false to unmute the participant. When unmuting a users, the remote user needs to agree to the unmute operation.
<int> Id: the ID of the participant, according to the participant list. To see the participants list, issue a zCommand Call ListParticipants. The lower 10 bits of the participant ID are ignored.
zCommand Call MuteParticipant Mute: off Id: 16778240
*r CallMuteParticipantResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Call ListParticiapnts |
List the participants in a meeting. If the ZR is not connected to a meeting, this command results in an error message.
See zEvent ListParticipant for info on each reply line item
zCommand call listParticipants
*r CallListParticipantsResult (status=OK):
*r ListParticipantsResult resultInfo TotalRows: 1
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 user_name: ZR-ScottFirestone
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 user_id: 16778240
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 is_host: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 is_myself: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 can_record: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 is_recording: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 avatar_url: https://zoom.us/p/U-ygqt3HStSmbY1JfYW-OA/15d64cfd-3b0d-46c0-93c1-08985d0c96b1-2618
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 local_recording_disabled: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 is_video_can_mute_byHost: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 is_video_can_unmute_byHost: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 isCohost: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 user_type: NORMAL
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 audio_status type: AUDIO_VOIP
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 audio_status state: AUDIO_UNMUTED
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 video_status has_source: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 video_status is_sending: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 video_status is_receiving: on
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 camera_status can_i_request_control: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 camera_status am_i_controlling: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 camera_status can_switch_camera: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 camera_status can_move_camera: off
*r ListParticipantsResult 1 camera_status can_zoom_camera: off
** end
zCommand | Call Accept | callerJID: <string> |
If a Zoom Room is configured to NOT accept incoming calls automatically, then when an incoming call arrives, ZRCSAPI will issue an zEvent IncomingCallIndication notification message containing a callerJID. If the client wants to accept the incoming caller, the client should issue this command with the callerJID from the IncomingCallIndication notification.
<string> callerJID: The callerJID from the IncomingCallIndication event.
zCommand Call Accept callerJID: thqrasdqs4wzdnch8kcbiw@xmpp.zoom.us
*r CallAcceptRejectResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Call Reject | callerJID: <string> |
Similar to zCommand Call Accept, but this command rejects the call.
<string> callerJID: The callerJID from the IncomingCallIndication event.
zCommand Call Reject callerJID: thqrasdqs4wzdnch8kcbiw@xmpp.zoom.us
*r CallAcceptRejectResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Invite | duration: <int> user: <string> user: <string> … |
Invite one or more users to a meeting. Specify the JID that is listed for that user from the Phonebook.
<int> duration: the intended duration of the meeting.
<string> user: the user ID to invite. Use zCommand Phonebook List to get a list of Phonebook entries. See the zEvent Phonebook line item descriptions: the jid is the “join ID” to use for the user.
zCommand Invite Duration: 9 user: fph5y1chszclyd5o-2jzoa@xmppdev.zoom.us
*r InviteResult (status=OK):
** end
zCommand | Bookings List |
Return the list of meetings scheduled for today, between 12:01 AM and midnight. It is not possible to retrieve scheduled meetings for other days. See zEvent Bookings for details on each line item.
zCommand Bookings List
*r BookingsListResult (status=OK):
*r BookingsListResult resultInfo TotalRows: 3
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingName: Instant Meeting
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingNumber: 133161657
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 startTime: 2017-11-16T22:02:36-08:00
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 endTime: 2017-11-16T22:11:36-08:00
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorEmail: room@kanovia.com
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 isPrivate: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 meetingName: Instant Meeting
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 meetingNumber: 398112526
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 startTime: 2017-11-16T22:11:36-08:00
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 endTime: 2017-11-16T22:14:14-08:00
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 creatorEmail: room@kanovia.com
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 creatorName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 2 isPrivate: off
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 meetingName: Room Manager’s Personal Meeting room
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 meetingNumber: 5218904304
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 startTime: 2017-11-16T22:30:00-08:00
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 endTime: 2017-11-16T23:30:00-08:00
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 creatorEmail: room@kanovia.com
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 creatorName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 3 isPrivate: off
** end
zCommand | Phonebook List | Offset: <int> Limit: <int> |
Get a list of phonebook entries, starting with an offset, and retrieve up to Limit entries. See zEvent Phonebook for details on each reply line item.
<int> Offset: Offset into the phonebook list (0 = no offset)
<int> Limit: number of entries to return, maximum.
zCommand Phonebook List Offset: 9 Limit: 3
*r PhonebookListResult (status=OK):
*r PhonebookListResult resultInfo Offset: 9
*r PhonebookListResult resultInfo Limit: 3
*r PhonebookListResult resultInfo TotalRows: 3
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 jid: -sjciovur-oxlxdyl_zbdw@xmppdev.zoom.us
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 screenName: dev-Will Wang
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 firstName: dev-Will
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 lastName: Wang
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 phoneNumber:
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 email: will.wang@zoom.us
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 avatarURL:
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 presence: ZoomIMPresence_Offline
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 onDesktop: off
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 10 onMobile: off
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 jid: -u6nfifdtpegkmtxfvcxgw@xmppdev.zoom.us
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 screenName: Dennis Wang-dev
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 firstName: Dennis
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 lastName: Wang-dev
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 phoneNumber:
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 email: dennis.wang@zoom.us
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 avatarURL: https://dev.zoom.us/p/-u6NFIFdTpeGkmtxFvCxgw/3772aa7c-62c0-447c-89ae-72ccc2edab1b-3851
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 presence: ZoomIMPresence_Online
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 onDesktop: off
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 11 onMobile: on
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 jid: -x25q_mzqeodusumz-jxia@xmppdev.zoom.us
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 screenName: Yan Wang
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 firstName: Yan
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 lastName: Wang
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 phoneNumber:
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 email: yan.wang@zoom.us
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 avatarURL:
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 presence: ZoomIMPresence_Offline
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 onDesktop: off
*r PhonebookListResult Contact 12 onMobile: off
** end
zCommand | Run | File: <string> |
Run a test script in the directory ~/Library/Logs/zoom.us. Provide the name of the file, without the path.
zCommand Run File: tst2
zCommand | Comment | Text: <string> |
Emit a comment. Can be used ONLY in script files.
zCommand Comment Text: Try this test.
zCommand | Wait | Sec: <int> |
Wait for a given number of seconds. Can be used ONLY in script files. It is used to wait for a reply to come back before executing the next command in the script file, to ensure that command and replys are displayed in order, to make test verification easier.
zCommand Wait Sec: 4
zCommand | Call Leave |
Exit a meeting, without ending the meeting. Can be used by the Zoom Room if the room is either a host or non-host.
zCommand Call Leave
zCommand | Call Invite | User: <string> user: <string> … |
Invite participants to a meeting, while in the meeting.
zCommand Call Invite user: cideeshiq3m7jkcrbwswba@xmpp.zoom.us user: 1wfdhli3q_yrani1mse7mw@xmpp.zoom.us
zCommand | Call MuteParticipantVideo | Mute: <bool> Id: <int32> |
Mute the Video Camera of a participant
zCommand Call MuteParticipantVideo Mute: on Id: 16779265
zCommand | Bookings Update |
Download the current meeting list for this Zoom Room, for all meetings starting today, between 12:00 AM and midnight. Users may use this command to manually force a meeting list download after a change to the meetings.
zCommand Bookings Update
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